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Registration Policy

Class requested is not a guarantee, our class capacities are at 12 per class. A Non-refundable Registration/Supply fee of $85.00 per school year is required at time of registration to reserve your child's space. All supplies are covered, you will not have a supply list. Space is not held until the registration fee, that cover all supplies, is paid in full. Spaces will be filled first come, first serve with the submission of the registration form and fee. All class times are subject to change if there are not at least 8 students enrolled.

Payment Policy

  • Non-refundable Registration/Supply fee of $80.00 per school year is required at time of registration to reserve your child's space. Space is not held until the registration fee is paid in full.

  • Tuition:

    • 3 Year old classes $100.00 (4 hours per week) per month.

    • 4 Year old classes $120.00 (5 hours per week) per month.

    • 4 Year old classes 3 days per week $150.00 (7.5 hours per week) per month.

  • Tuition is due by the 10th of each month. Tuition paid after the 10th will be charged a $10 late fee. If tuition is not paid by the 20th, your child will not be allowed to attend until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

  • Tuition is based on a 9 month school year, and broken into 9 monthly payments, regardless of the number of instruction days per month.  Tuition is based on 64 instructional days per year.

  • Returned checks will be charged a $20.00 fee, and all subsequent tuition must be paid in cash.

  • There are no refunds or credits for sick days.

  • Tuition can be paid on the website (a small fee is added), Venmo April Clayson, or via cash or check dropped off in the payment box in the preschool lobby.

  • We understand that plans change throughout the year.  We require at least 2 weeks notice if your child will be leaving.  Otherwise you will be required to pay the next months tuition.

Illness and Health Policy

Your Child will not be allowed at school if he/she has any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit

  • Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool per day)

  • Vomiting

  • Nausea

  • Severe cough

  • Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes

  • Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus filled

  • Stiff neck and headache with one or more symptoms listed above

  • Difficult breathing or wheezing

  • Complaints of severe pain

  • Lice

If your child is not feeling well in the morning, please observe them closely before sending them to school and risking the health of other children.


Children must be free from symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child develops any of these symptoms while at school, you are called immediately. If a child has mild cold symptoms that do not impair his/her functioning, the child may remain in the center and the parent(s) notified when they pick up their child.


We require that all immunization records be turned in at the time of enrollment and be kept up to date thereafter. Each time your child is immunized, you need to update your school records. State law mandates that any child who does not have current immunizations be excluded from the school until they are up to date.   Immunization exemption forms are available.  .  

To register for summer camps, please fill out the google form.

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