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Select a Payment Option

Payments can be made via Venmo, credit/debit card, hand delivered to the Preschool during school hours,

or mailed to:

5005 Cassie Dr.

Chubbuck, Idaho


3 year old Classes (4 hours per week)-$100.00 per month. $85 registration fee, per school year, that covers all supplies

4 year old Classes (5 hours per week)-$120.00 per month. $85 registration fee, per school year, that covers all supplies

4 year old Classes (7.5 hours per week)-$150.00 per month. $95 registration fee, per school year, that covers all supplies

Pay with Venmo

Continue to pay with a credit/debit Card,

By paying via the website you will be charged a transaction fee of

2.9% of the transaction amount + $0.40

To register for summer camps, please fill out the google form.

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